Strawberry Eton Mess

A simple recipe that kids will have great fun making and even more fun eating the final result. A great treat but also a good way of getting your kids to eat some of their five a day in a yummy and fun way!

1 Pack Strawberries
1 Pack Raspberries
150ml Double Cream
100ml Natural Yogurt
3 level tbsp caster sugar
Coloured Sugar Strands (For Serving)

1. Cut the strawberries into small pieces and put into a large mixing bowl.
2. Push the rasperries through a sieve with the back of a spoon into the mixing bowl (you can spoon in the seeds if you really want to)
3. Spoon the sugar into the bowl with the fruit and stir through.
4. Add the cream and yogurt and stir thoroughly until all well combined.
5. Serve in bowls and sprinkle sugar strands ontop.

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